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How do I know when it’s time to replace my flooring?

Flooring is one of the most expensive investments you can make for your business. Try as hard as you might to stretch out the lifespan of the flooring. There will come a time when it needs to be replaced. Whether that is from property damage or general wear and tear over the years, we’ll be going over key signs. It’s time to replace.

An important thing to note is that not every flooring option will be the right fit for your business’s needs. For example, vinyl cannot be repaired, making it a poor choice for buildings that receive lots of sunlight as the light can quickly discolor the flooring. Moreover, it can be challenging to remove if an adhesive is used during the initial installation. While vinyl is affordable, it may not be the right option.

First, let’s look at signs of water damage, as that is the unfortunate reality of many Florida business owners post-hurricane season. A tell-tale sign is any warping of the boards or floor itself. Other key water damage indicators include discoloration, buckling of boards, and mildew odor from the flooring. These indicators indicate that large quantities of water have been absorbed into the flooring. This can be due to structural issues, poor plumbing, and of course, flooring from heavy rain. Whatever the case, don’t delay contacting the professionals to get to the bottom of it.

Next up is wear and tear from everyday operations. This can look different depending on the type of flooring. General signs to look out for across types are discoloration and overall worn-out appearance. We will be taking a closer look at carpet, tile, and vinyl, as these are the more common kinds of flooring used in commercial businesses.


Other than discoloration, there are other key indicators it is time to replace the carpet in your office. Lingering odors are an early warning sign that it might be time to consider alternatives. If odors persist after the carpet has been treated, it can be a sign of compromised padding or even the floor itself. This often indicates a much larger problem, as mold often creates a musty smell.

In addition to odors, if you have noticed allergies only tied to the office, it might be due to the carpet. The fabric’s fibers tend to hold onto things such as pollen, dirt, mold, and other allergens leaving the office feeling sick. In extreme cases, this can lead to the sick-building syndrome as allergies progress into fatigue and difficulty concentrating.


Tile is another popular option among firms. Thankfully it can be easy to spot any damages. Chips or cracks may not appear to be an urgent problem, but they can quickly grow in severity over time. Management should take note of current and new damages to determine a timeline for replacement.

Noisy flooring can be a red flag for tile, as you should not hear any squeaking or crushing noise when walking. This can occur in a few scenarios, such as poor installation or settling foundations. Some noisy tiles can be corrected by replacing one or two. However, some cases include completely compromised foundations or even rotting flooring. Whether it is a quick fix or a more tedious process, consult a professional first.


While the appeal of vinyl flooring is its durability and variety, it is not immune to wear and tear. The first indicator of replacement is signs of peeling or bubbling where seams meet. This can happen over time or with constant heat exposure from sunlight. Unfortunately, this is no easy fix as the flooring will need to be replaced due to the warped appearance.

Another sign relating to heat exposure is creaking noises when walking across the flooring. While tile can be a sign of the foundation or setting of tiles, for vinyl, it is a sign the flooring is pulling away from itself. This can also occur with laminate flooring.

While a few key flags can signal it’s time to invest in new flooring, leadership should always receive a professional opinion before taking action.

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