Blog Post

Effectively Combat Florida Allergy Season in Your Workplace

Recently, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) released its annual report
showcasing where the most challenging places are to live in the United States with allergies.
With the recent flood of pollen sweeping across Florida, it comes as no surprise that two Florida
cities, Sarasota and Orlando, are within the top twenty of the one hundred cities listed. With the
pollen count in Central Florida consistently ranked between moderate and very high, grass pollen
appears to be the major culprit for runny noses.
With seemingly everyone impacted by the spring season blooms, how can we make office spaces
a healthier environment for employees and guests alike? Routine cleanings may not be enough to
effectively remove allergens from the workplace resulting in a lingering sickness feeling
throughout the building. In addition to standard nightly cleanings, businesses can invest in
services that specifically target built-up allergens like pollen, dirt, and dust, putting a stop to
employee sniffles. In this article, we will be reviewing a few services the team at Cubix, Inc.
offers and how they can best benefit your business. From deep cleaning flooring to sanitizing
frequently touched surfaces, we will be exploring all the options and tools offices can utilize to
achieve a truly effective clean.

Textiles and Other Fabrics

Offices are typically constructed around efficiency, from the layout of desks to the materials used
throughout the building. Desks, chairs, and other high-touch surfaces are often easy to clean with
a sanitizing wipe, removing built-up grime in seconds. However, not all services can be cleaned
so easily, and fabrics often pose a massive challenge. Unlike our work desks, fabrics like
carpet, paneling, and cubicle walls cannot be cleaned with one quick swipe.
Cubix, Inc. offers a unique solution when it comes to cleaning office fabrics. Through our
Upholstery & Textile Care, textiles can become new again, creating a healthier environment for
everyone. While upholstered furniture and textiles may appear clean, fibers that construct these
surfaces trap dirt, allergens, and other organic matter over time. This in turn leads to the
cultivation of allergens arguably worse than any pollen; or mold. Mold can be detrimental to an
office, resulting in sick staff members and poor air quality throughout the building. Some offices
can even develop sick building syndrome (SBS). This major hazard can drastically decrease
office productivity, plummeting morale and everyone’s health. With our trained technicians ready to
help, business owners can tackle fabrics and other textiles with confidence, removing any
lingering allergens and germs in just one service.

Commercial Carpets

Carpets are another factor that is often forgotten about. Like the other fabrics around the office,
carpet fibers grasp and hold onto whatever we track into the building, from mud to pollen.
Scheduling carpet cleanings is one of the quickest ways to improve the health of your building in
addition to the overall look of it.

Keep your space beautiful and fresh from the everyday foot traffic, grime, and spills with our
gentle dry care system. The best way to keep your carpet clean and protect your investment.
There are many choices for maintaining your commercial space carpet, most commonly hot
water extraction. Using the latest dry carpet cleaning your carpet will last longer, perform better,
and improve the appearance of your workspace. Since our process requires little to no water,
there is no sticky lingering residue removing the opportunity bacteria and mold would have had if
the surface was damp. Additionally, since there is no pungent detergent, the likelihood of
triggering an allergen sensitivity is removed altogether to the benefit of everyone.
As spring unfolds, let’s tackle pollen allergies head-on for a season of clear breathing and
outdoor enjoyment. Reach out to our team today to learn more about how Cubix, Inc. services
can best benefit your office.

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