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Making a Great First Impression with Your Building, Inside and Out

When it comes to the appearance and health of an office, the same care should be extended to the
exterior of the building as well. The outside of the office is just as important as the inside of the
building for a few key reasons that we will be discussing in greater depth within this article.
Property maintenance is an investment that all companies should prioritize.
First Impressions

To start, first impressions are crucial in establishing a positive relationship with clients,
suppliers, and investors alike. A clean and well-kept exterior demonstrates a certain level of
attention to detail. It conveys a direct message of professionalism. In turn, this establishes trust
and confidence in the business.
In addition to this, the appearance of a building can influence the brand image. It is important to note
here that the impact could be favorable or damaging. A clean exterior provides a positive
reflection on the brand while cultivating a good first impression. On the other hand, a dirty
exterior littered with wrappers or other debris creates a negative connotation.
Health and Safety
Here in the Sunshine State, spring is in full swing, causing pollen to accumulate on every surface.
Buildings, homes, and cars have become completely coated in a veil of yellow pollen. All the
excess allergens have left many Floridians feeling under the weather at home and at work. Dirt,
pollen, and other allergens tend to gather in exterior covered areas creating havoc for those with
allergies and even respiratory-related issues. Those with asthma often have trouble breathing
during these times. Management should be scheduling exterior cleanings to break up any clusters
of pollen to benefit the overall health of employees and visitors.

Improper or lack of care entirely can lead to more serious issues such as Sick Building
Syndrome (SBS). Sick building syndrome is a term used to describe the phenomenon in which
those within the building, both workspaces and apartment buildings, experience similar health-related issues. The most common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, and exhaustion.
Thankfully, SBS is preventable through routine cleaning of both the interior and exterior of the
building. Outside of the building be sure to check the ventilation and air intake area for any debris.
Designated smoking areas should be far enough away from ventilation to avoid unnecessary
exposure to secondhand smoke. The same rule should be applied to those who utilize electronic
cigarettes and or vapes.
Code Compliance and Asset Protection
Finally, when looking at the exterior of a building, consider code compliance and asset protection. While code compliance can vary depending on the county and exterior elevation, key information is easily accessible on county websites. For example, Orange County currently follows this code of ordinances Exterior code compliance includes the removal of any debris blocking exterior doors, stairways, and or elevators. In addition, exterior fire alarms and extinguishers should be routinely inspected. All these areas
should be receiving routine maintenance to remain within regulation.

Furthermore, compliance does not stop with county codes. Cities can impose their own standards
depending on the building’s location. For example, if a business is located on a historic street or
district, the city can provide instructions on how the exterior of the building should look.

Asset Protection
Last for review is asset protection. One of the biggest investments a company can make is its
office building. So, why would a firm spend thousands of dollars on a space just to not take care
of it? Often, early warning signs can be found during routine maintenance calls providing the
opportunity for businesses to be proactive instead of reactive. Protect your company’s
investment through scheduled cleanings to stay ahead of potential issues.

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