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Avoiding Mold and Mildew in Your Florida Office

Florida summers are known for two things: high temperatures and thunderstorms. This combination spells out trouble for homeowners and business owners alike as both can significantly put your space at risk for problems like mold and mildew. In this article, we will discuss two of the peskiest problems office buildings face during the rainy season and how to prevent them.


When we hear about mold, we often picture food that has been hiding in the back of the fridge for far longer than we would like to admit. However, this is just one kind of mold that could be lingering in your office. Another common type of mold is chaetomium, which is often confused with black mold as it can be found in similar locations and creates patchy black spots. With such striking similarities, it is no surprise that chaetomium is frequently referred to as the “other black mold”.

So how do molds like black mold and chaetomium appear in the office? These two molds only need a surface to latch onto and a high enough humidity to grow before penetrating further into the structure. In the right conditions, mold can form within forty-eight hours of contact.

Mold spreads through the use of spores, but if caught early enough, business owners can confine them the mold location. The key identifies of mold are fuzzy appearance, black or red coloration, and musty odor. In most cases, business owners will need to contact a professional team to thoroughly remove any traces of mold.


The term mildew is often used as a generic term for mold as they are both fungi that grow under similar circumstances. Where mold may branch upwards and appear fuzzy, mildew, on the other hand, has a flat appearance. Another way to identify mildew is the powdery appearance accompanied by a foul damp smell. The smell is similar to rooting damp wood or damp laundry that has been sitting too long before drying.

Unlike mold, mildew is more of a surface issue that can be fully removed with standard cleaning supplies. Home remedies such as diluted white vinegar and baking soda are also rather effective in removing mildew buildup.

 Preventing Mold & Mildew

So how can we effectively prevent mold and mildew from setting up shop in the office? As mentioned earlier, mold and mildew thrive under very similar circumstances. The ideal climate for them is a wet or damp area and poor airflow.

The first step is measuring the humidity of your space, and it should measure either at or below fifty percent humidity at any given point in the day. Anything higher on the scale will have enough air moisture to support growth. Be sure to check each room in the building and keep a humidity measuring tool in mold-prone areas such as restrooms, breakrooms, and supply closets.

Step number two is checking for leaks in pipes and roofing. When reviewing the pipes in your building, we are looking for any drips or compromised locations on the pipe itself. By replacing poor pipes, we are able to be proactive before mold has the chance to accumulate. In terms of roofing, checking the integrity of your roof is a must regardless of whether you are inspecting for mold, especially with hurricane season in full effect throughout Florida.

The final step is checking the airflow in the building. This is a great way to break up accumulated humidity in one area. Fans can and should be utilized in providing proper circulation in a room.

Mold and mildew do not have to be your building’s worst nightmare. With these helpful tips, business owners can go form a strong defense and stop mold from becoming an issue long before it has the chance to spread. Contact our team at Cubix, Inc to learn more about disinfecting services to keep your office one step ahead.

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