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Regular Cleaning Can Protect Your Company’s Assets

As a business owner, you have already invested your time and hard-earned money into making your dream a reality. So why put the assets you use each day in your office at risk by not properly maintaining them? With staff shortages and rapid business growth these days, it’s easy to overlook the care and upkeep of things we use every day. This includes flooring and textiles, which can become rather costly for business owners if they need to be replaced more often than needed. Today, we will go over how routine cleanings can help protect your organization’s assets so you get the maximum lifespan out of your capital purchases.

One of your office building’s biggest investments is flooring. Flooring is the first thing clients see when they come into your facility, and it helps set the space’s tone. If your flooring is not regularly cleaned, trust us, visitors will notice, especially now that COVID-19 has made people far more aware of the importance of a clean and sanitary environment.

Carpets are a common choice for office spaces and provide a sense of character to a room. It is important to keep in mind that while carpet can look fantastic, it can hold onto a variety of allergens if not properly cleaned. Allergens and mold can easily settle into poorly maintained carpets, putting everyone in the workplace at risk of breathing in harmful spores and bacteria. It is crucial to schedule routine cleanings to prevent employees from falling ill because of something so preventable as a dirty carpet.

No client wants to come into an office with stained and dirty carpet; it creates an atmosphere of unprofessionalism. The stains alone demonstrate to clients that management doesn’t make time or have the dedication to maintain their workspace properly. How can a company be attentive with key clients if they cannot look after their own building? Therefore, companies must have routine cleanings to ensure that the workplace gives current and potential clientele the right impression. Even if your carpet is currently very stained and dirty, our team at Cubix, Inc. can help. Our advanced milliCare Dry Carpet Care process can restore and extend the life of your carpet, giving it several more years of life.

Vinyl flooring is perfect for fast-paced work environments as it can handle plenty of foot traffic while still looking sharp. When properly cared for, vinyl flooring’s lifespan can easily be extended by years. By maintaining vinyl flooring with scheduled cleanings and restorations, companies can hold on to vinyl flooring for upwards of twenty years. This can make it quite an asset for business owners as replacing flooring tends to get expensive quickly, especially when redoing an entire workspace. By lengthening the lifespan through proper maintenance, business owners can allocate replacement flooring funds into other projects and investments, helping their businesses continue to grow.

Last up is textiles; this encompasses furniture and upholstery such as cubicle walls. Any of the fabrics in your office can hold onto stains and germs. It’s important to have all office textiles thoroughly cleaned to remove the buildup of dirt and grime. The furniture in your office space should be well looked after to prevent needless replacement expenses from turning into a common occurrence. After all, the furniture and textiles companies choose for their offices help create the overall aesthetic look for the space. By providing consistent cleanings, you can keep your furniture looking new long after the original purchase date.

As a company, it is crucial to ensure your funding is going toward critical business needs and growth. So don’t waste funds on unnecessary replacements for flooring and furniture when you could spend a fraction of that on regular cleanings. Make sure you are maximizing your organization’s assets rather than needlessly throwing funds down the drain. If you need to get started on a regular deep cleaning schedule for your building, Cubix, Inc. can help. Reach out to us for a free consultation today.

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