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Restoring Your Carpet the MilliCare Way

The closing of the holiday season allows many businesses to take a breath and recenter for the new year ahead. During that holiday rush, it can be far too easy for tasks and general upkeep around the office to fall onto the back burner. A prime example of this is flooring, as it goes through wear and tear each day.

Unfortunately, not all types of flooring are as forgiving when it comes to regular cleaning. Carpet tends to hold onto debris, causing staining and odor to accumulate over time, creating a lackluster appearance. After these stains have had enough time to fully set, they can become difficult to remove to the point a standard cleaning fails to remove the marks entirely. However, a restorative process can withdraw grime, bringing the carpet back to life once more. In this article, we will be going over how the restorative process works and how it stands to benefit your business’s flooring in the short and long term.

Try to get ahead of harsh stains 

When it comes to common stains such as coffee and ink, try to take a proactive approach when the accident first happens. Blotting a fresh stain gently with a clean rag can make a difference in how deeply the spill can become embedded within the carpet. Taking it a step further, a damp rag and dish soap can also be used to remove discoloration from setting into the carpet. Keep in mind that fresh stains should never be scrubbed as that only spreads the stain while pushing it further into the carpet fibers. Reacting to spills immediately rather than allowing them to set in can greatly benefit future cleanings and restorative treatments.

Restorative cleaning 

The first step in the restorative process is an initial cleaning through the Millicare dry carpet cleaning. This encourages the carpet fiber to loosen its hold on some of the debris and allergens allowing. In addition to this, the initial cleaning will allow the target treatment to be more effective in penetrating the harshest area of the stain.

Unlike other treatments, Millicare uses a dry carpet cleaning method, leaving no sticky residue behind. Using the latest dry carpet cleaning, your carpet will last longer, perform better, and improve the appearance of your workspace. For carpets in poorer condition, the restorative process will need to be conducted twice for optimum results.

Spot cleaning

Once the initial cleaning is concluded, our technicians will determine the problem spots in the building. Some sections of carpet may be in better shape than others depending on factors such as foot traffic and the type of cleaning products used. Sections with heavy and consistent foot traffic will need additional care to remove allergens that have been pushed further into the fibers. Our technicians will also address the discoloration that can occur, also known as greying.

After the carpet restoration, avoid using overly harsh chemicals, as these can create additional discoloration from the product. Moreover, some cleaning products can break down the carpet’s integrity, reducing the flooring’s overall lifespan. The Millicare process does not use any harsh detergents or chemicals. Instead, a dry polymer is applied to the carpet, breaking down grime and dirt so it can be easily lifted out when vacuumed. Flooring is one of the biggest investments a business can make, and it should not be a constant headache.

Maintenance is key

While restorative cleaning can bring carpets back to life, it should not be the only care carpets receive. Maintenance cleaning is essential to keep the flooring looking beautiful year-round. In addition, it is a more cost-effective method of carpet cleaning. After a restorative cleaning has been completed, be sure to schedule the next maintenance cleaning for optimal results.

Our team at Cubix, Inc. prides itself on fantastic service and providing the best experience possible for all our clients. Contact one of our representatives to learn more about the restorative cleaning process.

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