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How To Remove Common Carpet Stains

The floors in your office see a lot of use, ranging from heavy foot traffic to accidental spills. This article will serve as the ultimate guide in removing common stains such as coffee, ink, and dirt from commercial carpet flooring, helping officer managers maintain a tidy and neat environment at all times. It is important to note that these techniques can vary depending on how fresh the stain is in addition to the amount that has become entrapped within the floor itself.

Carpets are a popular choice for many business owners as they are designed to be durable and come in a variety of styles, allowing for creative choices while still being affordable. Additionally, carpets also soften sound to a greater degree than tile or vinyl, making it ideal for offices that aim to create a quieter working environment. While carpet is excellent at absorbing sound, it unfortunately can easily absorb spills as well.

Coffee – Looking at coffee first, this may just be the most common stain you will find around the office as it can be tricky to remove. This is because coffee contains tannins, a naturally occurring dye that can be found in a variety of plants.

When the spill first occurs, act quickly by gently blotting the stain with a paper towel or cloth working from the edges of the stain inwards to the heaviest area of concentration. Do not scrub the spill, as that will push the liquid further into the fabric, causing it to become embedded deeper and more difficult to remove. Once you have finished gently blotting the stain, dilute the coffee by pouring a small amount of water onto the carpet. From there, continue to gently blot the stain until it has fully lifted from the surface.

If the stain is not lifting, a small amount of dish soap can be mixed into warm water that can then be sprayed over the stain. This should help in removing any lingering color concentration. Be sure to dry the carpet by continuing to blot the stain with dry towels to prevent other allergens from becoming trapped in the wet fabric.

Ink – Ink is another stain that can be found around the office. Similar to coffee, utilize the blotting approach to uplift excess ink that is sitting on top of the surface of the stain. Then, use a mixture of warm water and rubbing alcohol to cox the stain out. While it may be tempting to use a cleaning product, it is important to keep in mind that some cleaners can leave behind a noticeable discoloration in the fabric. 

Dirt – Dirt and other allergens can also cause discoloration and even lead to foul odors. Like the previous stains, blot the area to remove any moisture and surface-level staining. With the spot thoroughly blotted, vacuum over the stain to pick up any loose debris. From there, spray the area with warm water and soap mixture to aid in removing the rest of the stain. Gently blot the stain until the debris has lifted.

Remember that prompt action is crucial when dealing with stains. The sooner you address a stain, the easier it is to remove. If a stain persists despite your efforts, it may be time to consult with the experts. Our team of technicians is well-versed in removing difficult stains thanks to our environmentally friendly MilliCare Carpet Cleaning services. Through a quick four-step process, our technicians effectively treat problem areas, loosening even the harshest stains and bringing your commercial flooring back to life. Contact us today to learn more about the process and how it can benefit your business in the long term.

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